Wednesday, October 10, 2012


This was the first Paracon I had ever attended, and it was the first one that D.U.S.T. had ever put together. I would like to say that they did a fantastic job, and I am hoping that it is even better next year. The whole point behind it was not only for teams to get noticed and mingle, but to show para-unity. A much needed thing among paranormal groups especially in Oklahoma. When I heard this it made me feel greatful that I wasn't alone in my efforts (I Am Only One Of Many-Paranormal Outreach) that other teams are striving for the same goal. Alot of times teams covet research, locations, and the ability to collaborate. They want everything their team does to be solely to themselves. Some will even go so far as creating para drama in an attempt to ruin their rival team's names.....

There is a big problem with this. In the field of the paranormal and all the categories that fall under it (cryptozoology, ufology, demonology, psionism, etc)there are no rival teams. We are a multitude of people striving for one goal. That goal being to prove that there is something more after we die, to prove exactly what that other plain of existence is, what the plains of existence are surrounding this current one (not only the realms after we pass on), what type of entities there are, and more importantly to prove we are not the only intelligent life forms in this universe.

During the lectures everyone who attended was able to talk freely and bounce ideas off of one another. We were able to share experiences and give advice to those just starting out. It was almost is if we were at a family get together. The feeling of acceptance was overwhelming.

It was also interesting to meet other teams and to hear exactly what their ideals are. What they were hoping to achieve by being in this field and exactly why they wanted to be investigators in the first place. Everybody has a story and a majority of the time it is personally rooted. Usually when it's tied to something personal the person has a lot more devotion.

After the lectures, and talking amongst one another. We did an investigation at the location of the event-the historic Stage Door Theater. Most of the activity is located in the basement. There is a little boy named "Bobby", and a man called "Frank" who refuses to let Bobby move on. I am hoping that D.U.S.T. will be able to help him cross over soon.

RETURN TO 101 RANCH (09/15/2012)

Most of the team had never been there before, so it was an exciting first time experience for them! Especially after researching the history of the once vibrant location now turned national historic park. It is free and open to the public, but is off limits after dark. It is nightly patrolled by police unless you have permission to be on the grounds.

The original owners of the mansion and operators of the wild west shows were the Miller family (Joe C., Zack, and George Miller). The ranch was built upon 110,000-acres, with several buildings for work and living quarters. Most of the buildings were torn down, the last building to go was the general store, which burned down from a fire with unknown origins. The remnants of the buildings left are the basement of the mansion, floor of the general store and it's supply closet, alligator pit, monkey cages (across the street), grain silos, where they generated electricity, and in one of the fenced in lots next to it is the floor of the elephant barn with parts of the shackles still in place. Down the road is Cowboy Hill where the Millers are buried (outside of the fence is a memorial for an 8yr old girl named Mary Jane who died in 2008), keep going up the road and you will find a monument for Chief White Eagle (there also 8 unmarked graves surrounding the monument).

Our team had a handful of things happen to them while on the property. We experienced shadow figures, disembodied voices, voices captured on the ghost box, strange noises (bangings coming from the metal closet in the basement area), smells, anomalies in pictures, K2 activity, and being touched. Tommy made the spirit of Zack Miller upset by accidentally calling him Joe. Hildy kept feeling like there was someone on top a building looking at us. One of the quirks always experienced at Cowboy Hill for sensitive people, is when they touch Zack's headstone it feels like a surge of static electricity.

When going to 101 Ranch for an investigation you will never leave disappointed. It is a real treat, and a real honor to be with some of Oklahoma's most prominent residents, whether they are living or not!


(Copied from Third World Paranormal's website at:

I believe this will be one of our most memorable cases, especially for those whose first residential it was. The family has lived in the home for almost three years, and love the home. The home was built in 1907, and has had a handful of owners. The owners don't know know much about the home, only what has been told to them by neighbors. A neighbor had told them that a woman had drowned in the bathtub during the sixties.

The family experienced a few minor things here and there, such as that of a little boy calling out for "mama". Activity didn't escalate until they began remodeling the home. They not only heard disembodied voices, they began experiencing: running, walking, growling, the family animals being in distress, people dressed in period clothing (one of those being a little boy in dark period clothing with no eyes), electronics being messed with, and catching EVP's on audacity of 2 women, 2 males, and a little boy.

Yet the closer and closer it got to the day we were scheduled to come out. The activity became more frequent, and worse. One of the major things being hives that appeared on the client's boyfriend, and her youngest daughter. Although this could be medically explained by either stress, or even the possibility of mold since it is an older home. Destiny experienced the hives on her ankle after asking for a physical sign during the investigation. Her youngest daughter also had a remote yanked out of her, and smashed onto the floor.

The clients did not stay for the investigation instead opting to stay at a hotel. Destiny Gonzalez, Bob Sorg, Rev. Tommy Baxter, Tammy Baxter, Hildy Overcash, Rachelle Overcash, Kerry Chadwell, Stephanie Henning, and Gina Strickland were all in attendance. Nobody got much at first just a few blips on the K2, and a few bits of words on the ghost box. It wasn't until a few of the members started getting authorative that we got any responses. A male voice was the main respondent, and most of the time he cursed out team members in Spanish. Thankfully Rev. Tommy speaks Spanish as well as Latin, and German.

Most of the time it felt like we were chasing it around the house. It wasn't until it began getting dark outside and we did dead time (turning out lights) that activity exploded. We were getting disembodied breathing, growling, walking up and down the stairs, the upstairs closet door in the bathroom being messed with at one point opening, Bob felt like his head was in a headlock, we got responses with the flashlight, a few hits on the K2, and a man and woman speaking on the ghost box. The man and woman kept referring Rev. Tommy to the disciple Paul, continued cursing at us in Spanish, made fun of Jesus, called Tommy and Destiny's religous tools "crap and more crap", telling us there were "7" then "8" then "9" of them and jumping between those numbers, and kept calling themselves "Satan". None of us believed them to be demons or demonic in nature. Although we didn't believe them to be human spirits either.

Activity went into a sort of lull with the flashlight being messed with occasionally. So Destiny and Tommy got out sea salt and holy water and began provoking. This is when they became even nastier on the ghost box. Destiny asked for a physical sign, a few minutes later she felt her left ankle burning. Destiny had hives on her ankle after a minute of inspecting it scratches began to appear in the same spot. Later on Destiny was doing a patrol and went into the kitchen. A few of the members were in the living room next to the kitchen. Kerry saw Destiny get this perplexed look on her face, she asked Destiny what was wrong. Destiny said, it felt like something was looking over her shoulder. When she went to walk out of the kitchen she felt something poke the middle of her lower back. Destiny decided to go upstairs and tell Tommy, she said the whole time she was walking to him it felt like something was continously poking her in the back. When she finally walked up to Tommy she felt a stinging sensation where she had been poked. Destiny lifted up her shirt and something had scratched her again.

Later on Tommy decided to do another perimeter check on the house. He didn't get far when he called out for people to come look. He had found a railroad spike (which had high levels of EMF, but this could be scientifically explained) on one corner of the porch, a spiraled metal spike on the other corner. Tommy, Destiny, and Rachelle didn't find anything in the backyard, but found something on their fence line in the alley. In one corner was a pile of bones, and in the other corner nothing. There is a high possibility that there could have been another pile of bones on the other corner and an animal had gotten them. Usually these types of items when grouped together are used in Santaria, a type of Hispanic voodoo and dark magic. We then put two and two together, the voices on the ghost box were in Spanish, and the items were part of a Santaria hex. We brought the items in and put them on the table in front of the ghost box. We began asking them if they were connected to the items. They didn't respond until Tommy drove the railroad spike into a container of sea salt. Then the man's voice began to reply and said "yes" to the items belonging to them. We asked who had done the hex and they kept repeating the name "Brittany".

Not only had we been called out to do an investigation, but to do a cleansing as well. After the interrogation with the items. The team took a break and then regrouped for the cleansing. Nothing really happened during the cleansing, a few members of the team saw a white shape here and there. Destiny even when repeating the Lord's prayer out loud couldn't write it on the door. She had to force herself to do it, after the first couple of doors she wasn't affected anymore. The team did a ghost box session after the cleansing and nothing came through. Rev. Tommy took the items to properly dispose of.

A few days later Destiny called the client for an update. The client said the home felt much better, and her inside dog went upstairs for the first time since they have lived there. The only quirk was that she was sleeping on the couch that it had been pulled a foot and half from the wall. A couple days after that the client calls and tells Destiny that something had took a can of tomatos out of her hand, and hurled them in the kitchen. That 30 minutes after the can incident that her hand was smashed in the drawer of her china hutch. Destiny told them to pray and to smudge with sage. About a week and a half after the investigation Destiny gets a call from the client.She is in tears, she tells Destiny that something choked her, then proceeded to drag her off of the couch into the kitchen. Both of her children saw this happen. The client sought help from a local priest, the team as well as the client is hoping that this ceases the activity.


A few months ago after breaking off from Society of the Haunted, I wanted to keep investigating. I mainly wanted to help people understand any phenomena that was happening to them. So after a month of deliberations and culminating together exactly what I wanted, and how I wanted to do it. I decided to create, "Third World Paranormal", which is a local extension of "I Am One of Many-Paranormal Outreach". IAOOM-PO is a world wide research center for the paranormal and all subjects that fall within that realm. We gather and share information and evidence from cases, studies, and beliefs so we can gain a grander perspective. Also we can get multiple opinions on what is presented. Since I established IAOOM-PO I have teams from all over the world under it's umbrella. We have teams from the United States, Canada, South America, U.K., Australia, and many other places. We have also helped teams to find members as well as expertise in their area, teams willing to loan other local teams equipment, get speakers and hosts for events, and also help people find locations to investigate.

We have also found a way to give amateurs advice and to help them explore possibilities of the unknown. While creating Third World Paranormal I wanted the team to be under the same concept as IAOOM-PO, but under a more local scale. We are more than willing to collaborate with other teams, share evidence, locations (depending on the case), speaking at public events (as well as hosting events), and taking amateurs under our wing.

Third World Paranormal does not believe information should be hoarded. Knowledge is a means of mental ascension, and should be shared, and dispersed among all individuals. It gives us a better understanding of our world, and it's inhabitants. No one person should govern knowledge and what it contains. Censoring what somebody learns is up to the individual seeking it.

We hope to meet many teams and societies, respectable professionals in their given field, help people new to this on their way, and above all else to help individuals experiencing unexplainable occurences.