Tuesday, June 26, 2012


This is another experience that I can only describe as "new". At some points it was annoying, redundant, but all in all it was fun. I got to see a different side of everyone that was involved. I was chosen to play the role of "the psychic", I know it is a vague name, but there is a method to the madness. The storyline was about an experience that Cathy Nance and Mike Ricksecker had. They had went to do an investigation at a church in Guthrie with "the psychic". During the investigation the psychic kept proclaiming that there was an entity known as a "crawler" outside of the church. The "psychic" considers them as an entity from another plain of existence that are confrontational.
She kept urging them to stay away from the doors and windows because of the crawler. Near the end of the investigation "the crawler" finally managed to get inside the church. Which caused "the psychic" to have a conniption fit. Cathy, Mike, and the other investigators didn't see the being. Although they heard it moving about in the basement of the church. An empty bottle was thrown at them which caused "the psychic" to go over the edge. She began singing church hymns at the top of her lungs and another religious member followed her lead. The "psychic" was so freaked she demanded the other investigators to sing.

(From left to right: Cathy Nance, Destiny Gonzalez, Christian Borthick, Mike Ricksecker, and John Longan.)

At this point Cathy was ultimately peeved and reluctantly began singing along. Although the whole time wringing the "psychic's" neck would have sufficed. Cathy was upset that she drove all the way up from Houston to Guthrie; just to sing church hymns and scare off something paranormal. When the whole point of coming up was to find something of that nature. Which if I were in Cathy's position I would have been uber mad too.

Since the society didn't want "the psychic" to reprise her role in the reenactment. Because we don't want her name synomymous with ours. I was designated to play her role. I had a fun time channeling my inner diva and at the end acting like a total fraidy cat. I also got to encounter Cathy's "bad side", and it was also nice to investigate with Mike and Chris. We were ACTUALLY investigating during the filming. None of that is faked nor acted out. We encountered the spirit of Zach on the ghost box and a woman. When it became darker we saw shadow people, at one point, it was broad daylight I was walking to the back buildings. I saw a shadow figure standing in a shaft of light, back against the wall, one foot bent back against the wall, and wearing a cowboy hat. It turned its head and looked in my direction, shoved off the wall, and disappeared.

We also went to Cowboy Hill to film where Zach T. Miller April 22, 1877-Jan. 3, 1982, Sam C. Stigall Feb. 11, 1885-May 23,1967, and Jack Webb June 19, 1902-June 1,1956. Are all buried up on Cowboy Hill, they were the greats of Oklahoma Rodeo, and then some.

101 Ranch was once it's own self sustaining town, they even had their own money, and jurisdiction of law. They had their own building to generate electricity, general store, jail, and even a circus across the road from the mansion. Though the property hit hard times during the The Great Depression.

The episode should air sometime in September or October. Awesome!

(This is the foundation of what is left of the Miller Mansion.)

(Grain Silo, building where they generated electricity, and also the back area where I saw the shadow figure.)

(John Longan and Chris Borthick investigating.)

(Jorge our Camera guy, John, and I doing a ghost box session.)

(Cathy Nance while investigating.)

(Chris, Mike, and I chilling out.)

(Chris, Cathy, I, and John investigating at Cowboy Hill.)

(Johnny and I doing a ghost box session at Cowboy Hill. See what I mean when I say John and I are ghost box buddies? :) )

[ This is a link to the blogs of other members in the Society featuring: Cathy Nance, Mike Ricksecker, Christian Borthick, and John Longan.

http://societyofthehaunted.com/index.php/blogs ]

Here is the link to the episode:


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