Thursday, July 19, 2012


Lately there has been quite a bit of drama afflicting my life and of those around me. So I asked for a sign on what I should do. The first sign was last night around 11 PM, my cellphone froze up, and I got a message on my phone that wouldn't go away until I took the battery out. The message said, "ERROR MESSAGE, EMERGENCY, MARCH 8TH, 2008." I still don't know what that means but the date has to mean something to someone.

Then last night I had a dream that I am still going over. Cathy, Chris, Mike, Logan, Bob, Nancy, Meagan, Brittney, Wes, Dawn, BJ, Vanessa, Johnny, and I were doing an investigation together at an island resort. It was an island that was smack dab in the middle of the ocean with nothing around for miles and miles, and built out of hard black rock. So I am assuming that the island was made from volcanic activity. We were taking a local tour that the hotel gives on their haunted and historic history.

The guide was very anxious and was going very fast. She was acting like she was absoluutely terrified of something, when she finished giving the tour she bolted like a madwoman. Then time seemed to fast forward we had been on the island for a week investigating the hotel and surrounding areas. I was with Cathy, Mike, Chris, and Logan on the balcony of a hotel room when this massive wave rose up out of the ocean and loomed over the island, the wave broke apart and began to dissolve back into the ocesn. There suddenly was a ruckus downstairs and we went to check it out. The hotel manager was trying to calm people down and that an evacuation plan was being put into place. Our group was like, "Why? Why do we need to evacuate?" The manager tells us, "Every so often the ocean over takes the island." What they said just instantly clicked in my head, " So you mean that the island gets flooded like Atlantis?" The manager nods their head and then runs off to call an emergency crew.

After awhile of frantically searching we find Bob, Johnny, Dawn, Vanessa, and everyone else we find them, and explain what is going on. The whole time I am thinking, "this is it I am going to die in a watery grave." I decide to go and survey the damage for some odd reason. On three of the four sides of the island were submerged in water and gradually increasing. As soon as I made it back to the group there was an emergency chopper landing. We rushed onto the helicopter and took off, as we were leaving I looked out of the helicopter down at the island. The water was rushing all over it but before it was completely obliterated. In the center of the island was a statue of Mike holding a book in the crook of his right arm and in his left hand he was holding a coat of arms, on the right side of the island was a statue of Chris holding a skull, at the bottom corner was a statue of Cathy holding a flashlight, to the left side of the island was a statue of me and Logan holding a compass, and at the top of the island there was a path clear from the water leading out into the ocean.

As I was looking out I saw the statues and thought isn't odd that those are the three areas that I saw flooding with water? I felt somebody tap on my shoulder and I looked up into the bluest pair of eyes I had ever seen. It was a middle aged man who still carried the youthfulness of a teenager, tan skin, bright blue eyes, and sandy blond hair. He told me, "There is no sense in looking for answers in a place where the problem has been washed away. Everybody must find their own path, and depend on their own accountability. Yet at the same time nobody should be isolated or discarded, everyone can prove useful. Sometimes it is best to forgive, but never forget. "

I felt myself begin to cry. I was just filled with so much emotion, it seemed as if I had been emotionally barren up until that point. The man wiped my tears away, "Don't cry Destiny. We have so much,so many good things for you, and your friends planned in the future. Its just best for everyone to take this time as a time of discovery, and let all things wash away, because everybody needs a clean slate. Everybody."

I smiled and nodded, he told me, "You are so pretty when you smile. Why can't everybody just be happy, and see the beauty in imperfection?"

Then I woke up.

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