Tuesday, August 7, 2012


This was a joint investigation of three different teams. I and Logan's group (Logan Corelli and I) , Christian Borthick's group (Chris, Logan Vukusich,and Dustin Cupit), and Bob Sorg's group (Bob, Nancy Rahm, Ehteena Stotts). We also had the cemetery's curator with us and her male companion. The whole focus of this investigation was the mausoleum, although we did get activity elsewhere in the cemetery itself.

Bob's group has been there before, they have gotten EVP's, disembodied whimpering, and K2 hits. They arrived at 9 PM, and already had some equipment out. They had the ovelis running, the thermal gun, and the K2 out. They were receiving activity from three of the headstones in front and to the right of the mausoleum. Mainly from a spirit called "Pete" who followed Ehteena everywhere saying her name on the Ghost Box.

Logan and I arrived at 10 PM, after having a lovely time with Logan's GPS, and consulting his Atlas. Because the directions seemed a bit off, yet we still managed to get there. When we were 17 miles away from the location (was looking at the GPS), I began to feel something. When we were 2 miles away, it felt like I was being jabbed in the stomach. When we reached the cemetery and I got out it instantly felt like we had a thousand eyes on us. It was almost like everybody in the cemetery was in attendance for the event. I also automatically picked up on the names "Ann Margaret, and Frank". Also alot of the spirits seemed to enjoy Bob and Nancy's company. While walking the stairs up to the door I was greeted by a disembodied, and husky, "Hey!".

Chris' team showed up at about 10:30-11PM, that is when the curator unlocked the mausoleum for us, and we began heading inside. When we entered I had a sense of peace, and lonliness. I didn't feel anything harmful at all. There were still pews out for a memorial service that had been held there not long ago. You could still feel the lingering emotions. We sat down in the pews and began doing a ghost box session. I have heard alot of spirits trying to speak at once on a ghost box, but the amount trying to come through was intense. I can't count how many times I had to tell them to "take turns" so we can hear.

We kept getting a man coming through who sounded perpetually frustrated, a woman named Anna, a man named Victor, and a little girl named Amanda. I also kept getting my right ankle grabbed by something with a strong grip and it was extremely cold. Ehteena kept putting the thermal gun on my ankle and was getting some amazing hits. Before we left for the basement we got Pete saying on the ghost box, "husband Ehteena's husband." Which spurred on going jokes for the rest of the night. I also told Amanda that we were going to go down to the basement and play games. Before I hit the final step in the basement, you could hear Amanda on the ghost box saying, "Will you please play with me?".

Mainly the activity we got in the basement of the mausoleum was on the ghost box, and we got the temperature gun to change colors a few times, also the mag light went on once.

We then ventured outside and I went walking on my own. Which I always do so I can communicate one on one with the spirits at the location. I walked through the graveyard saying, "We are not here to harm you in anyway. We are only here to communicate, and to prove to people that there is a life after death. To prove that you still exist, and to show people that you still matter." This confused one male spirit. He told me, "But we all go away in the end." So I replied, "Yes death is inevitable, it comes to us all, but that doesn't mean it is the end. All of you are proof to that." I am also very respectful and courteous especially in graveyards. If I step on a fresh mound or flat headstone, I say that I am sorry. I also ask permission before I sit down, and then thank them for their time. I accidentally stepped on a fresh grave while walking, and instantly heard someone say, "Becareful."

I came back and asked Ehteena if she would like to walk with me, and this time we brought the ghost box with us. We were walking and I asked, "Should we go straight, or go right?" We hear one spirit say, "Left", and another say, "straight". So we went to the left of the path, and kept going straight.

After awhile the curator asked if we could do a session at her son's grave. Her son was murdered on his motorcycle at the age of 27. We didn't get much, only, "Hey, mom, and Daniel". Although as we were heading to his grave, Logan C. saw two shadow figures come from the left of the mausoleum, and disappear.

Before we left Ehteena and I walked to the outside building where they hold the funerals. We went to the backdoor first, and I did the "shave and a hair cut" knock. Something on the other side of the door finished the knock. We decided to go to the front door, and do a scenario because it was about to storm. I knocked on the door, and said, "Excuse me. Can we come in? Its cold out and its about to pour down rain. Can you give us shelter?"
Suddenly you could see the curtain move, but that was it. It was almost like somebody looked outside and decided not to let us in. Hopefully we can investigate that building next time.

We all headed back to the mausoleum to grab our stuff, and say our goodbyes. As I was exiting, I heard a man call up from the basement, "Goodbye."

I can't wait to head back sometime.

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