Wednesday, May 30, 2012


After my husband and I were married in the beginning of 2007 I moved in with a good friend of mine in El Reno. Until my husband finished up his culinary training at Guthrie Job Corp. After my husband completed Job Corp we rented an apartment in the city of El Reno just a few blocks down from the High School and a few houses down from the local B&B. I had asked the manager about the history of the building because the architecture looked old. She told me that the complex had once been a hotel for people who traveling by train. Sort of like a boarding house of sorts, then it became a home for the elderly, and after that an apartment complex.

The first few months we had no activity what-so-ever. It wasn't until after we learned that we were expecting that things began to happen. First it was the feeling of being watched then like somebody was behind you. My black, male cat Artemis would bristle as if something had entered the room. He would hiss, scratch, and yowl at the air.

When I was almost six months pregnant. My friend who I had previously stayed with stayed the night to celebrate my husband's birthday party. She had slept in the living room and woke up to what felt like someone standing over her and watching her. She refused to stay the night after that opting for me to come over to her house.

While I was pregnant I craved Sid's chili cheese fries and banana shakes. So my husband bought me to large orders of chili cheese fries and a large banana shake before going to work. When I went to get a thing of the fries I found one of the containers out of the bag and on the cabinet. The container was open.

Also, we had a problem with jarred peanut butter. No matter where we put it, it would always end up in the fridge. So to test that neither of us were doing it we put the peanut butter in the highest kitchen cabinet and went out for a little bit. When we came back it was in the fridge again.

Things began getting ridiculous when I was eight months pregnant. My husband worked the graveyard shift and I was sitting on the couch watching t.v. When I heard this banging sound in the kitchen (the living room, kitchen, and dining room shared the same space.) I looked behind me to see the fridge rocking back and forth wildly. I got up and it stopped. There had already been a dent on the freezer door but when I looked it was almost five times the size it originally had been. As I was inspecting the fridge. The stove on the other side of the fridge jumped out half a foot from the wall. When my husband came home he saw the stove asked me if I had moved it. I'm like, "Yes. I am big and pregnant. I can barely move and decided to randomly pull the stove out. -rolls eyes-"

A couple of days after the kitchen incident. I was sitting on the couch while my husband was at work. When I felt somebody behind me. I turned and saw a boy standing in the hallway. He looked to be about thirteen, slightly taller than me, pale, black hair to his chin that had a jagged flip. Black pull over hoody, dark jeans, black blue and white tennis shoes. He looked like he was highly angry and frustrated. For a moment I thought somebody had broken into my house. Because he looked just like a normal person, completely solid. I asked "What are you doing here?" I didn't get a response. He just disappeared like he had never been there at all.

A week before my scheduled delivery I was home alone once again. I was using the bathroom and had the door closed. When I heard pacing. Walking from the living room and to the bathroom door. Several times before I opened the bathroom door. I was still using the bathroom after I opened the door. Then heard pacing in my bedroom. Going from the bedroom door to the closet door. Finally I left the bathroom and put my ear up to the bedroom door. I heard the pacing. I opened the bedroom door and left the light off. When I entered the bedroom the knob on the closet door was jiggling. I waited until it stopped and opened the closet door. There was nothing there.

After I had my daughter I had horrible dreams about the bedroom closet. I also had gut feelings that I should never leave her alone in the bedroom or even for me and her to be alone in the bedroom together.

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