Thursday, May 31, 2012


I am going to give you a condensed run down on my perspective of this. Although demonics do influence a majority of people's lives, a full blown experience with all the bells and whistles. Are very few and very far between.

What I believe demonics to be. I do not believe the cliched notion that the demonics are "fallen angels". Angels whether they be fallen or not have their own bodies, whereas a demonic does not. I believe demonics are God's sinful previous creations before he created Adam and Eve.
In the Bible before God ever creates anything, it says, in Genesis 1:2 - "The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters." How could God be hovering over water if there was no previous creation?

There are all different types of alarms that will alert you if have a demonic. But one sign, or even a handful of signs don't necessarily confirm that you have a demonic. It could just be a really malevolent spirit or misunderstood entity. Not all spirits are human or demonic. They can be human, animal, demonic, angelic, tied to nature, a cryptid, fey, or deva. Devas aren't necessarily fey or nature spirits. They are a focused point of energy or higher intelligence that is only concentrated on one thing. They are very narrow minded, and are only concerned with whatever type of deva they are. Like a rain deva is only focused on rain, and so on. Sometimes when people encroach upon land, they will more than likely encounter the wrath of a specific deva in that area. So not everything is seperated into "ghost" or "demonic". It is far more complicated than that.

Finding ways to alleviate a problem sometimes isn't as simple as a cleansing. Because a cleansing will not work on certain inhabitants of the paranormal realm. Though a majority of the time a cleansing does help or convincing a spirit to cross over.

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