Monday, May 28, 2012


There was an abandoned train depot, that had an upstairs, and a downstairs. The downstairs was flooded with water going to the top of the stair case leading up to the main floor. Most of the windows were broken out and the doors were taken off or busted down. A friend of mine and I would hang out there. After a few minutes of entering the building the broken glass would move across the floor. You could see shadows moving in the upstairs rooms. Hear furniture being moved upstairs. If you looked through the water of the bottom level you could see shadow people walking about. I keep wondering if the place didn't have some sort of vortex. All of this activity happened during the day. We never went there at night.

There was also an abandoned train depot not to far from the high school that they remodeled. It was where my friends and I would go to hang out before school and after school. It was just a one level building akin to a barn. But it had the different sections for different trains to pull into. In each section it was filled with gravel and had chains hanging down. We would hear talking, whispering, and giggling during the day. One time a friend and I went there when it was getting dark. We were about to leave when a small rock was thrown at us. My friend being the person she is threw a rock in the direction from where the first one came. Then another rock was thrown at us. She threw one back. This kept going on until the rocks that were directed at us gradually became bigger. The next time we went was during the remodeling, and after a homeless man was found hung on one of the chains. We went around dusk like the time before and decided to ask questions. The only response we got was a barrage of rocks hurled at us and the chains in all the stalls began twirling like crazy.

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