Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My Open Letter To The Paranormal Community (September 10th, 2013)

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I would like to talk a moment with you all. It has to do with division among teams, societies, organizations, solo researchers/investigators, and enthusiasts involved in the paranormal. Every single day as of late (not exaggerating) when I log onto social media, see one of you in person, or answer my phone....I hear about:

I hate so n' so in the field.
Their work has no validation.
OMG! They're horrible at this! They'll never make it.

^It has nothing to do if your point/opinion is substantial . It has to do with the selfishness, snobbery , and plain hatred that comes with it. I have seen teams in the past and lately tear eachother to shreds over the most trivial and pitiful things. It mostly stems from "my method and theories are absolute. You don't agree with me your works garbage and you're a fake".

Number One, everyone has a different belief system. Whether it's theological or scientific or both. They're belief system is going to influence how they investigate  It doesn't make their system for investigating anymore correct or incorrect to yours. Vice Versa. Then you have to take into account are they studying the more scientific /analytical aspects or the spiritual /metaphysical side or compounding both aspects. Neither aspects  are wrong and that is what's mainly harped on.

Number Two, "I don't like so n' so. So I am going to  say my work is superior and there's is flawed." Just because you don't like someone does not in anyway, shape , or form discredit the merit in their work. No matter how badly you want it to.

Number One and Two, largely go hand in hand. Which isn't much of a stretch nor a surprise.

There are plenty of people in this field I don't like. Iam also guilty of the things stated above.

This field isn't a high school clique. We need to band together, set aside differences, and put our noses down to nose level. Quit being stingy with locations , clients, but mostly quit being greedy with knowledge. We need to quit being paraunity or whatever you choose to call it in name only and be more pro active in what we preach.

No I am not the ambassador of the paranormal, but something has tobe said among the people I know .


Destiny "Dez" Gonzalez

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