Sunday, July 8, 2012


(^^^That explains our night.^^^)

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT allowed to disclose any information about the location.

Sixteen members of our group congregated for this trip, which is an outstanding number. We were also excited that Logan Vukusich a new member and our skeptic was able to come out for this one. We are hoping to turn him into a believer real soon. Our team of sixteen split into two teams of eight. The building is rather large and has several floors so we were able to space out. Cathy was the leader of TEAM ONE and Chris was the leader of TEAM TWO; I specifically chose TEAM TWO so I could see Logan's reactions. I am highly interested in skeptics and love to watch how they gauge their experiences as they happen. As an investigator you should always go to a location as a skeptic until you are given undeniable proof. Yet Logan is more scientific and methodical than your average investigator. I still haven't been able to hear his analysis about the place, but I imagine I will get to in a fashionable manner.

The place is almost like an epitome of sadness. The people who entered it's doors were severely ill with tuberculosis and also had mental deficencies. The patients were sent there in an effort to be cured and possibly leave after a full recovery. Yet that was never meant to be because more than half of the population died while in the hospital's care. It wasn't because there was a lack of care but there wasn't a great understanding of tuberculosis at the time. Hundreds of thousands of people were ripped from their families if they were even suspected of having tuberculosis. Imagine being a mother of four children and a government official coming to your home. The government official tears you away from your children's arms and guides you to a vehicle waiting outside. Then you are taken to a place where you would more than likely never see your family again. You would live out your days in a room, locked away from the world, and then you would eventually die. That is one of the most horrible scenarios I can think of. Especially since I am a wife and mother of three children. I could almost sympathize with the former patients there.

We recieved quite a bit of activity while investigating. We experienced shadow figures, K2 hits, EMF spikes, ovilus generations, furniture being physically moved, flashlight activity, walking, phantom smells,the feeling of being followed (at one point I felt like I was being chased), disembodied voices, disembodied crying, disembodied laughing, disembodied screams, ghost box conversations, real time EVP's (even caught a few class A's), I was scratched and pinched, Jordan Cathy's daughter was pinched, Jordan and I were both touched at the same time. It was almost as if Jordan and I were being comforted. Also Lindsey and I shared the same vision of a woman in the 1950's, wearing a white vintage nurse's outfit with white pumps, red auburn hair done in a pompadour with a cap, carrying a clipboard. She had a very no nonsense and strict feel about her.

I believe I was scratched because I was wearing a face mask and gloves due to a concentrated amount of black mold. At the time I was scratched we were around the surgery bay and morgue. So whoever it was probably perceived me as a doctor; there were several botched surgeries performed there also.

The spirits there are not mean in any sort of way; most of them are gentile and would like to be understood. They also would like to be left in peace and continue about their existence. In a way they are still very much people just on another plain. So you should always treat them with respect and courtesy.

I wish I could tell you more but then I would be stepping out of a confidentiality agreement.

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