Wednesday, May 30, 2012


During one of my stays in Ada while visiting my friends. My friend, her sister in law, my friend's boyfriend at the time, her room mate, and I decided to go investigating.
Our first stop was the petrified tree in Wintersmith Park. It originally had a security fence, but someone had cut through it. We looked around and decided to do an EVP session. We asked the normal questions, but my friend's once upon a boyfriend decided to ask some stupid questions. Suddenly we hear tree branches snapping, foot steps, rocks being thrown, and decided to leave. If anyone knows the history of the petrified tree. In the sixties and seventies local Satanists would perform animal sacrifices in front of it and a woman's body was found mutilated by it. So there is no telling what is out there. Not to mention the abandoned church nearby and loads of Indian burial ground about. As we made our way down the hill back to the car we heard something walking the path behind us. We stopped immediately and prayed.

After the Petrified Tree we headed out to Rosedale Cemetery. It was about one o'clock in the morning. I can't even describe the emotional atmosphere. Heavy, suffocating, oppressive, sadness, anger. It felt like I was being stabbed by thousands of tiny needles and pinpricks. It was aweful, you also couldn't shake the feeling of being watched or followed. We stopped at an above ground coffin and did an EVP session, but something kept turning the recorder off. I walked up to this bush that on one entire side was missing its branches and was hollowed out like an alcove. I peered inside and several branches were being pulled back towards me in front of my face. We kept seeing ghost lights flitting about among the graves. Something touched my friend's sister in law. My friend's once upon a boyfriend was shoved. What took the cake was we heard a little girl's voice who was about nine or ten years old coming from the children's section, saying, "I didn't mean to do it." One of our friends is interred there, but she died after all this happened.

When we got back to my friend's house. We reviewed the evidence and the only thing we really got was intense growling coming from once upon a time boyfriend's recorder when we were at the Petrified Tree. We tried and couldn't recreate that.

I had went to my friend's roommate's parent's home (quite a mouthful) after first meeting her. Which her parent's house sits on top of Indian burial ground. I am a Native American, and as soon as we were on their road. I felt extremely unwelcome and threatened to my very core. It only got worse when I entered the house. I felt more than relieved when we were leaving.

1 comment:

  1. wondering if you have any information regarding the woman found
